i think i woke up around 6:30. by the alarm actually. to tell you the truth, i've been waking up at around 6 am every morning. with or without an alarm clock. its really weird though, since during the previosu years, i'd wake up 12 hours later. but now, even though i'm freaking tired, i still wake up at the same time. when i wake up though, i still feel tired and so i sleep again and would wake up to find out that it's almost time for lunch.
well i guess my body already got used to forcing itself to do stuff even though it's dead tired. damn stc.
back to wednesday. i went to school past 8 to get my report card. i think both my parents were paranoid about reserving my slot in ateneo since they told me to bring the car to save time daw. whatever, i could just walk you know.
by the way, it reminds me. i walked to school last school day because mom had to go to work earlier than usual. it was nice. i was like "if i'm goin to be a biologist someday, i have to promote the conservation of the environment. it also wouldn't hurt if i would start being keenly observant of my surroundings and reflect on how to conduct research work. it was fun watching the birds flock and feed amongst the dewy grass. it was nice while it lasted. but hey, i was running late! funny, stc and i are practically neighbors! i ran actually. but it was a good morning. exercising was good too. maybe it could actually be my habit.
got my grades! woohoo! i can't believe i'm saying this but i actually missed the garbage dump classroom IV-2. some of the guys were there. yay! :D
chatted for a while and got my card. great grades i guess. i'm an Outstanding student again. yay :D
i also got the NCAE results. haha and i can't help but laugh about it! apparently, i've gotten excellent marks. nyahaha. WHATEVER!
i even got the perfect score in non-verbal ability. possible pala ang 99+ % na score nyahaha. heck, the bar graphs even showed na lumampas pa ung score ko dun sa highest percentile rank. TAE.
this one's for analysis stuff like for engineers, biologists, scientists, chemists, and the like. the one with lots of patterns and diagrams. in which binaboy ko lang nung test. wipee. now if only my course was actually related to it.
entrepreneurial skills -99%
TAE. ayoko na mag management sa ateneo! damn it. it only convinced my parents even more that i was perfect for my course.
all in all, my marks were high. except for one-manipulative skills. 82% ung mag-aassemble ka? this one's for tech-voc related courses. well i'm really bad at it anyway. so i can't be a handicraft maker :((
my line of interest daw is investigative. again with the sciences.:D
all my grades went up. except of course for computer. from 90 naging 89 to 87 to 84. TAE. hindi na tumaas.
well i expected it to shoot down, but i didn't expect him to actually decrease my grade that much. haay.
yay i got a 93 in visual arts. :D haha medyo dapat lang kasi ang hirap hirap dalhin lahat ng totempoles at JUNGLE stuff sa school noh!!! not to mention very bulky and difficult to carry!
at least i got my trigo grade up. well it should. if it didn't, i wouldn't be an OS anyway. thank god!
basta panira lang talaga ang Computer na yan. apparently, I HAVE NO LOGIC for c programmming.
i gave mrs dacutan a gift. and she called the house that night. i was not at home, i was busy partying in eastwood. nyahaha.
mrs d: wow. salamat. alam mo ba, ung binigay mo sa aking orchid, nakikipagkumpetensiya sa iba kong halaman. laging namumulaklak lagi e. i will always call it Denise.
me: (weirded out and doesn't know what to say)ganun po ba? uhm...salamat po?
the plant i gave her was named after me. :
i was supposedly to be in a hurry, para nga sa ateneo dba? but i stayed for 10 more minutes to chat. nyahaha.
confirmed my slot in ateneo and got my ID number. whatta number. 070666.
if weren't a fan of chicosci, i would have been paranoid. but mong uses the number all the time and loves it. so i guess it's ok...plus there's a 7 anyway.
blah superstitions.
i was surprised when i learned that i was to have my ID picture taken on the spot! hahaha. SABOG. plus, it was very evident that i was impressed with the board thing where you sign your name and then your signature comes out of the PC. WOWOWEE!
there were a lot of theresians. well at least i saw about 5. and i couldn't help but feel a bit like a little girl because my mom did most of the paperwork, i just followed her. for crying out loud, i'm already starting college!
had lunch at pancake house. had the classic spaghetti and a taco. yummy strawberry juice :D
then went to gateway to buy ate some shoes. got a new bathing suit! wipee! it's brown. with a pink/orange/brown bottom. it's a halter, so i don't have to worry about popping breasts or something. good thing there were suits pa! and not the triangle bikinis i dread. blah. i got em on sale in nafnaf. :D whatta steal :) 898 bucks!
and my fave part? mom bought me my favorite haagen dazs ice cream! strawberry! heaven :D
texted some of the guys last minute if they could accompany me in the bloomfields gig in eastwood. haha good thing megan agreed haha. aww they ditched the iv4 grad class party for me. hahaha. megan's own words.
kookie too. but last minute binawi paalam niya :( ohwel.
i called arra and kay around 430 to go. then bam! we're 4 already :D
brought tito rey to shang then headed to eastwood.
funny! we actually thought that there was no bloomfields gig because there was no set on stage. and played at the arcade instead. 3 puck air hockey! time crisis 4! :D megan was so funny playing this. she was like "aaah! pano toh??!!"
window shopped.
then just walked around eastwood. it was nice spending time with ii2. well at least for the 3 of them. what if eastwood was like just a usual mcdo hangout to us? cool pare.
headed for the fuente circle for the gig. then i spotted rocky! woohoo! he had no tie yet :-p then kay looked at jayjay and was surprised when jayjay actually winked at her! o ano na kay? crush mo na si jayjay?! pagkatapos mong laitin ng sobra....ikaw rin arra! well they really don't look good in the picture i showed them anyway. the blomfields i mean..
but they liked 'em alright! we had our picture taken with jayjay. i had my cd signed by rocky. he even thought i was his cousin! funneh :D

me: hi rocky. can you sign this for me? (referring to the album)
rocky: sure. what's your nAME?
me; ishi
rocky: ishi? how do you spell that?
me: I-s-h-i.
rocky: wow. my cousin's name is ishi. (then looks at me) are you my cousiN?
me: huh me? no..
=)) that was funneh!
miranda: ...
rocky: vacation na?
miranda: yeah..
then we left!
arrgh! miranda ang torpe mo! pinsan mo na nga yun e. waaah :(

miranda was obviously enjoying her seat as we waited. i guess masyado niyang dinamdam ung essence ni pepe =)) well i guess i'm guilty too. i also sat in one of the chairs !. at least we have an excuse. or at least miranda did.
had my picture taken with rocky, louie, and pepe! hahaha :D
miranda and i both agreed that we shouldn't be together during gigs because we're both so torpe in approaching them! well at least we should have other people with us to push us to approach them nyahaha.
pero mas natatanga si miranda. i was practically dragging her to pepe and she just stood there! hay nako...pati kay rocky! e hello they're cousins naman.
oh well. and oh yeah. guess where we sat while wathcing them! at the foot of the fountain! nyahaha. and i had a really hard time sitting down coz i was wearing a skirt. ok note to self :never wear skirts on gigs! you never know when you'll sit on the floor! hahaha. :D
but i had fun :D and i think that the bloomfields are filthy rich already. i mean, they play in eastwood EVERY wednesday and they sing 3 sets! taht means singing about 30 songs or so! we already left during the 2nd set because it was getting late already. hay :(
louie is so feisty. it really reminded me of the chicken in the forum topic. hahaha!
it's as if they just ingested some ecstacy! i mean,,,,jumping around and dancing the whole night isn't exactly relaxing. poor louie. i think he was even imaginingly playing the part of pepe (guitar) on his bass.
aww they're soooo cute and adorable on stage! jayjay even lost his balance while singing! and many saw him! haha...he just laughed. :))
midnight snack at mcdo. :D and i tell you, we were all bangag at that time. after one said something the others will say "ha? ano?"
brought them all home. :)
thanks guys for the fun night. and for accompanying me to a band who played the music you're not really fond of.
-march 2007-