Friday, November 30, 2007
i haven't been posting anything for a while in both my blog and multiply lately. i guess i'm just too busy OR too lazy? i think it's more of the latter one.
anyhoo, today is Bonifacio day so it's a holiday. Thank God for Andres and his "sugod lang ng sugod" mentality. hihi :P after years and years, he gave us the luxury of having a day off. hands down, lolo Andres.
i'm experiencing an eye strain right now after self-teaching myself to use Mail merge in MS Word, Pivot table in Excel, and reviewing stuff in Powerpoint. and my eyes are tearing up.which is kinda weird since i'm so used to gluing myself in front of the pc. and yeah, next week i'll be taking the ITM diagnostic exam. sheesh. i really need to pass that darn test! if not, i'll waste another 3 units of my 9 unit limit during the summer. sayang din iyon. i really need to gather all my available units to "lighten" my load for my 2nd yr. coz you know, Accounting and Calculus aint easy to juggle in one sem.
please, o, please! let me pass this freakin' ITM test! ugh. and you know how i am with the subject Computer. I may have practically spent a quarter of my lifetime in front of the pc, but that doesn't mean that I'm an expert. bleh. good thing there won't be any C++ programming during my college life. i'll simply die if i find out that there is some sort of programming subject that i have to take. as i know, if i pass the diagnostic, i won't have to take any other comp subject! whopee! the hard part? i still HAVE to pass it. and hello? isn't it obvious that ITM wasn't made for you to pass easily? coz if it was, then why did they put it during the summer time? if it's that easy, they should have just put it in our second sem.
just wish me luck on this. :) i usually clam up when it comes to these.
my whole body dreadfully hurts right now. it's all thanks to Arnis and my oh-so great teacher. according to him, our class was the "weakest", and to "cure" that, we won't have any breaks of any sort. for a whole hour, we had to "palo lang ng palo".
"sige pa!"
tang ina.
i'm not exagerrating, i have two huge blisters on my hands. i actually thought that they were just exagerrating that arnis will make your hands bleed and bruise coz the sticks didn't look rough at all. in fact, they are somewhat varnished and are actually very smooth.
but no.
after hours of "palo lang ng palo!", matutuklap talaga balat mo.
and i've been putting on spongebob squarepants band-aids on my blisters to ease the pain. it does help. a bit.
oh well. just you wait. if you think that i have an unbelievable punch, wack, or "hampas" right now, what more after this sem? oo, matakot na talaga kayo kapag makikipagharutan kayo sakin a? haha >:)
of course, i'll punch with a little love and care. :D
and i was so happy the other day! we got our long tests back in Japanese class. annnnd i got an A! yay! :D i got one mistake though. hihi :)
we were supposed to go out as a block yesterday. but for some untimely coup de etat, there were only 4 of us. :( and then we became three...and then there was only the two of us. nice one! :\
oh well, renz and i just watched Enchanted. ZOMG! it was so cute! haha. nakakapanggago talaga ung ibang scenes. =)) i also beat his ass in Air Hockey and Time crisis! HAH! :P
we managed to go home before the curfew! thank god! haha! pano kaya kung naabutan kami? adventure yun. makulong for one night. =)) i guess i would just have to experience that some other time. :P
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
2:41 AM
peace signs (comments)
kowabanga surfboards: dec07
Thursday, November 22, 2007
mardi-gras party!
kuya keith alien. kristen fairy. ate dianne batgirl. lola mermaid(SHE's 95! woooh :D). lola flamenco. swinging 20's tita boots. kuya peewee jailmate.
lola mermaid(putol). lola flamenco. kuya joey buzzed light beer. skater josh. ate shally as Dorothy. toto the dog! :P
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
3:27 AM
peace signs (comments)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
wow. it's been a while since i last blogged. a bit intriguing isn't it? anyhoo, i'm just killing time right now. i'm waiting for ate's call in ym for our weekly family chat. today was lola's bday celebration. it was held here in our house. it wasn't classic grand but it was definitely grand. yesterday, we spent the whole day decorating the house. we literally "wrapped" the whole house with ribbons, streamers, shiny ornaments, crepe balls, and xmas wrapping paper. i swear, i'm not exagerrating! we wrapped the whole terrace with xmas wrappers. it was tita boots' idea. she wanted our house to look like a big shiny present. i'll try to post the pics asap.
my first week in ateneo was generally light. there were no heavy projects or the like. i also loooove my new teachers! :D sir campomanes is so THE MAN. err, maybe THE UNSTRAIGHT MAN. :D i so love him! he calls himself as Mr Liberal coz he's not into traditional teaching! he also lives by the "Quality over Quantity" rule so i bet this sem will be a whooper. :D he also came from Brown University, Yale, and Harvard, so we're really sure that he knows what he's doing. he also hates "the other school" because he finds them too uptight and accdg to him, "the other school" plans to subtly "diminish" Lit in their curriculum or something like that. he also loves making things informal and comical so at least i have one class i'm sure i won't sleep in.
sir Campomanes: whenever i hear a deep word, i always experience a mental orgasm.
class: =))...
sir Campomanes: yes, in my class, do expect a lot of sex...i mean a lot of deep words.
he is certainly divine. :)
i've been spacing out during my physics classes. i think i'm losing my touch. oh well, it happens.
my japanese classes are so fun! well at least for me it is. i was so excited to learn japanese, that i answered all the exercises in the book in 2 days! haha. and i'm proud to say that i can read & write japanese already! woohoo! im so enjoying that class. :) the only problem is, i have yet to understand the characters that i've been reading and writing. it kinda beats the purpose if i can only read, write, and speak japanese when i still can't understand what it means. haha. but i so feel proud of myself for teaching myself :D
last friday, me and my blockmates went to gateway! woohoo! :D we were: RJ, julia, kaye, oliver, mark, pau, rex, ailene, and lorraine. haha could you believe that we all fit in the van? we just pigged out at the food court and had our own doses of arcade fun! wiii basketball, time crisis 3, initial D, Ocean Adventure, and dance revo! :D and are you familiar with the game where you have to wack the crocodiles whenever they come out? haha guess what! we played that game and i think we kinda destroyed it?! HAHA i guess our wacks were so intense that the machine went ballistic right after :))
after that, my blockmates went home na. only RJ and i were the ones left. haha it was so funny! we had an ice cream date! HAHAHA =)) i so love haagen dazs strawberry ice cream! <3
anyhoo, it's getting late. i guess i better hit the sack already. my 1st class tom is Intact, so yay! i can get to see my blockmates again. :)
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
4:23 AM
peace signs (comments)
Monday, November 5, 2007
effing english
i just received my grades yesterday. hay. it was quite sad actually. it wasn't depressing, but it wasn't exactly euphoric either. i got a C+ for english which is really disappointing. i at least expected a B for it. all my papers and quizzes would at least have an average of a B or a B+ so i really can't see how i got a C+. the last time we asked our eng teacher she told us that she based the biggest percentage of the grade to recitation. fuck that mehn. isn't english 11 a writing class? and besides, there aren't much opportunities to recite in the first place. bruha talaga. oh well, whining and being a sour ass won't do me any good. life truly isn't fair.
on the bright side of my grades, i got my first A. :D and it' so ironic! i got an A in Fil! haha! back in high school i would get the lowest grade in Fil but now....i managed to get an A! woohoo. it's really surprising. Lit was also good to me, though i still think that if Rex and Julia's teacher would replace my eng and lit teachers, i could have gotten a higher grade. lit is so easy for them. my teacher asks the most highfaluting questions in her essays. and yes, she does give Fs and Ds. oh well. again, i can't be this whiny brat. i got a B, which is pretty okay since i've worked my ass on that subject! but then again, i couldn't get a higher grade because you really can't study Lit. it's something that comes out naturally. IMAO. in ateneo, i guess you really have to force yourself to understand lit. hmm a bit of an oxymoron don't you think? forced natural feel?
altogether, i got a QPI of 3.15. i guess it's a good start. the required QPI for being a Dean's lister is 3.35 so i guess it's a good start.
i just got sad when i saw my parents' reactions. they said it was good and okay. WHATTHEFUCK i worked my effing ass on my studies and all they could say is that?! i actually got more disappointed when they told me that. hay dyahe talaga.
i guess i really have to make the super duper extra effort in Ateneo.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
5:13 PM
peace signs (comments)
Friday, November 2, 2007
this beats bumming anyday
yay! i'm also done with my mosaic vase :P haha you see that picture? that's all the sides of the vase. haha ask me how i was able to take a picture of all the sides. haha what i did was a result of pure laziness. i used the scanner. and i "rolled" the vase whenever the light scan thingy would move. hahaha!
doing the mosaic vase wasn't as easy as it looked. sheesh. the grout was so messy that i was sitting on the toilet cover the whole time as i washed the grout off in my basin. my basin was so messy that i had to clean it with thinner. haha. i did all those in the middle of the night! haha and it was nov 1! :)) oh well, "nothing" visited me anyway.
and it was so funny! when i smashed the glass tiles with a hammer, mom thought that there was some sort of construction going on in my room! haha :)) oh well.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
12:07 AM
peace signs (comments)
Thursday, November 1, 2007
today is tiu's day
dad gave me this after the last day of the sem. it was sort of a prize for doing "well" on my first sem:
tihee :D
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
5:04 AM
peace signs (comments)