Part of me usually dread this time of the year. The time when I have to add 1 to my age then have to put up with everyone else's excuses when they can't come to my "party". Part of me even wished that nobody wouldn't even remember that it's my bday since they seem to make such a big deal out of it. Palibre daw. Haha. That's okay though, I appreciate the affection and all, but I dunno. I don't really like being the center of attention. I don't want others to trouble over me. Maybe that's the reason I decided not to have a formal debut. I love attending those though. I just squirm at the thought of being the debutante, being the girl seated way up in front, given roses and messages that could have been better said private and stuff. I also don't like the idea of being stressed over some debut. I would rather join in the fun rather than sit up there and be "isolated" in a sense. The guests would enjoy, sure, but I just don't like the idea of being the center of attention, to the point that I aint part of the fun anymore. Well, that's just me.
Yesterday I had so much fun! I invited my high school friends over and went to Dolce Bar after. Scratch that. Dolce then Guilly's then Dolce again. :P
I think we were near 20 yesterday. Just for kicks, the table setting was formal. :P Complete with multiple sized utensils, napkins, and wine glasses. Don't worry, we weren't prim and proper. Our BIG voices and boisterous laughter could set the car alarm on. Haha. We're still the same crazy old bunch, just they way I like it. But our appetite kinda mellowed down a bit already haha.

We used wine glasses for the vodka. Love it. Haha. I guess the Mudshake was our fave, it's like drinking chocolait!
Ishi: Miranda, oh. Red Horse.
Miranda: Ayoko ng beer!
Ishi: Ayoko rin ng beer e. Mabaho haha. Kaya panay vodka pinabili ko. Oo nga pala, di to red horse. Champagne to.
Miranda: Okay, give it. (then finishes the whole glass)

HAHA. Tsktsk. No wonder she kept on giving me weird answers whenever I asked her questions. I had to repeat my question for like, 5 times! Before she could get it. :P Love you Miranda.
We left at around 1030 for Dolce but realized there was some sort of dance competition so the dance floor wasn't available. We then headed for Guilly's grill in hope for some groovin' time but the crowd was dead! They just kept on huffing and puffing their cigarettes while chugging down beer! The music also sucked big time. Plain techno, no R&B sexy time music! After 12, we headed back to Dolce and voila! It's SEXY TIME BAYBEH! HAHA. There were so many people! At some point, it kinda scared me. What if a fire occured and the Ozone incident would happen to us too? Oven kill kami.
But it was like senior's night ten times the sexy time! HAHA. And my feet were killing me! I swear, I was about to cry because it hurt so bad! When I took my heels off, my feet took 10 seconds to adjust! It was till tiptoeing! It took a few seconds before it could return to its normal FLAT position haha.
I thought that it was just my imagination that a bunch of guys started encircling us, hindi pala. Eww. Ang pasimple nila na hindi. Some of them tried getting too close, good thing we were too conscious. Parang nagtatawag pa sila ng kasama.
Guy1:Guys, dito! Masaya dito!
Okay, I guess some girls really like that kind of attention. And maybe those guys are used to meeting and dancing with strangers. But not us. :)

And hello, this girl kept jiggling her butt at my butt! EWW! As in nag-aariba ariba na siya doon. I think she was dancing in front of the guy and didn't care if her apple bottom butt jiggled other butts. HAHA.
Grabe, nakakahilo iyong lights, it's was as if it was all a dream. The lights made it seem slow mooo. Haha. Hoy, hindi kami nagdrugs ah. Ganun talaga iyong ilaw.
We headed home at around 2 am (early noh? But our feet hurt big time na e) and switched turns taking a shower. Shucks. I had to shampoo my hair 5 times just to get the yosi smell off.
But seriously, it was so much FUN! But it's not something I'd do every single week. There would be no thrill anymore if I did.
We slept at around 4-5 and woke up at around 10 in the morning. Whoa. We ate brunch together then finished the Vodka that was left. Then fell asleep watching CSI. How unusual is that?!
Thanks guys, I had so much fun. :) Love you. You're simply the best.
And oh, I'm off to Bora tomorrow baybeh! I'll be legal na! And in Bora! Sandra will also be there, so yay!