It's weird when so much has happened in a span of 2 weeks whilst I can't even think of anything to say.
Okay, just lemme try.

Arra helped me with the Ycasiano (my in-laws) annual Xmas packing. It's this thing where the Ycasiano family gets money donations from various donors to purchase different goodies to donate. Each goodie bag typically includes 1 kilo of rice/sugar, soap, noodles, canned good, mask, stickers, clips for girls, toothbrush, toothpaste, powder, pencil, plastic toys, etc. Usually Tita Agnes would try to think of "extra stuff" to put in the Xmas bag to make the kids feel extra special. Like for example, before I think she included a raincoat in there. She also put in headbands and colorful plastic toys as to diminish the image of a steoreotype relief bag. She also demands that the mask or a specific toy should face the outside of the bag to make the kid smile when he/she sees it. It's the little details that she's really proud of. And I love it. If I were the kid, I'd feel loved in a way. Thinking that somebody really thought of giving me something out of the ordinary dole-out. Tita Agnes even used to process the first 2,oo0 bags for girls and make us put in only the yellow and red toothbrushes. When it was the second 2,000 batch already, we'd switch to the blue and green toothbrushes. Hehe.
This year though, with the international economic crisis and all, the quality of the goodie bag isn't that good anymore. Gone are the canned goods, noodles and sugar. No more headbands too. But at least this year, they included slippers (yes, and cool colors too!), rosaries, sharpeners, notebooks, and medium sized soap bars. The clips, pencils, masks, stickers, and toys are still there though; along with 1-peso snacks.
Oh my gawd, if only you could have been there. I think Arra didn't expect that much. I swear, if you scattered all the mountains of stuff, you could swim in their house. Ok scratch that. You could dive and paddle your way around. I'm not exagerrating. Too bad I forgot to bring my camera, I could have shown you the REAL THING. Haha. Imagine 6,000 - YES SIX THOUSAND ITEMS PER "station". Six thousand slippers in a corner, six thousand bars of soap in another, and a whole lot of other SIX THOUSANDS. If you were there, you would never have thought that you'll finish EVERYTHING.
The process is like an assembly line, pasahan talaga ng supot. What's really tiring is, you can't stop once you sit down. You'll get piled on and you just have to go on even if you feel like your spine is going to collapse or if you can't breathe anymore. :))
My whole body really ached dude. WAHAHA. But the best feeling is accomplishing all that. With that sacrifice, I think of all the 6,00o glad families. :)
Tiki's debut during the night. The program only lasted up to 10:30 so we had the dance floor till midnight.