murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
6:13 AM
peace signs (comments)
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
6:13 AM
peace signs (comments)
Why do I always have to feel down when I feel this strong urge to blog? This week has just been this huge roller coaster ride. I just want to get off and get back to my normal state. But I'm still tempted by those unwarranted highs and adrenaline rushes. But the after-effects are just awful.
I told myself so from the very beginning. My bad for riding this stupid roller coaster to begin with.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
5:15 AM
peace signs (comments)
I was really disappointed with the 6th HP movie. I was expecting some kind of irony to pop in since I like the 6th book the least. The movie was too slow-paced and dragging to me. Even boring. If I was someone who didn't even read the book, I would have dozed off. The effects are amazing but the plot is just dead oil. Okay so maybe I just really don't like the 6th HP story at all. It seemed rushed. And the title Half-blood prince was kinda forced, don't ya think? It's not like the goblet of fire or sorcerer's stone where the story really has some significant connection with it. I'm sorry, but I just didn't like it.
Nonetheless, I'll forever be a Harry Potter fan. The inner kid in me will always have her Hogwarts robe, tacky wand, and a good memory of the spells. I met Harry, Ron, & Hermione when I was the same age as they were. And we both grew back to reality when we were 17. As much as I can say, Harry Potter will always have a place in my heart. The heart that has now refused to let other people in.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
8:22 AM
peace signs (comments)
Just like what my crazy and lovable friends from IV-2 say, DUNAT INTERPRET!
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
8:21 AM
peace signs (comments)
Bad day turned into an amazingly good one. It's great how friends can make your mood sky rocket just like that! And youtube is just so useful. Did I mention that I learned calculus, accounting, yoga, and tango in youtube? Yes o yes. And it never fails to make me laugh too.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
8:18 AM
peace signs (comments)
I Don't Need A Man and Single Ladies on repeat. I crack myself up. Focus, meh dear.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
12:50 AM
peace signs (comments)
I'm glad that I'm finally attending org stuff. I joined 3 orgs this sem, btw. Aiesec, Aperture society, and Psyche. Just the other day we had a trial photoshoot with Apsoc. Experimented with lighting and I'm excited to learn more.
Coco's okay right now btw. He went home after staying 2 nights at the vet. He has loadsss of medicine to take though and he's in a very strict diet already. I've been keeping myself knowledgeable with liver and kidney failure these days. I feel so helpless, I just want to keep Coco for the longest time possible.
Anyhoo, mostly org GAs occupy my time. But going to the library all the time has been this vice of mine already. Whenever I have a break, I'd go to the lib and look for books to read for leisure. I can't believe myself for not thinking about borrowing books for pleasure before. I have a favorite book shelf already. It's japanese non-fiction. I feel kinda stupid for not thinking about this for the longest time. Instead of buying books, I could have just borrowed. But then again, there are just books that I just want to have. It makes me feel secure and ermmm...a bearer of a secret knowledge. Okay.
I also borrowed the compilation of William Faulkner's short stories. I just loved A Rose for Emily so much, I'm so excited to read more works from him. That story's my fave classical short story. I remember reading it when I was still a high school sophomore.
I think I'm liking what I'm turning into. I'm trying to be more ma-PR and leadership-oriented with orgs. I'm also rubbing elbows with my introverted side when I read books in a weekly basis.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
5:11 AM
peace signs (comments)
I'm helpless and I think I'm going to break down. The pain is so unimaginable, I just don't see the light at the end of this dark tunnel.
Coco's at the Vet right now. I went home and saw puddles of blood where he laid down. good thing I went home earlier as planned and rushed him to vet. According to the vet, cases like this happens when it's rainy season and the dogs eat or drink some dirty stuff. It may also be a virus where there's bacteria in the intestines. Or it could also be his kidney or liver. Whatever it is, I do HOPE AND PRAY that he gets better. I just don't know what I'll do without him. He's been with me for nearly 10 years and I can say that we grew up together. Thinking back, he joined our family when I was supposed to have a younger brother or sister. But turns out, the doctor just made a mistake of interpreting the pregnancy results of my Mom. So there. He's always been there. And I cry whenever the fact that he is a dog and that his life is only a 7th of a human being. It may seem preposterous for some, but I REALLY LOVE MY DOG COCO. I really have a soft spot when it comes to Coco. And you would miss a lot if you don't know him. He's simply the greatest dog ever. It's as if he's not even human. He can comprehend so much and seems to know when I'm sad. He doesn't demand much. I could just sit quietly in a corner when he would lift his limbs and would "tap" my knees by scratching 'em. Then he would place his head on my lap and would do this so affectionately. Other dogs are only cute. But what I hate about those other dogs is that they don't want to be touched. Coco's different. He wants to be touched and he wants to be with people. He does the darnest things, just thinking about his quirks brings me to smiles.
Many of my friends who used to be afraid of dogs regard Coco as the exception to their rule. Coco's just so adorable everybody is his friend. Well except the cat, he doesn't like the cat. And he's kinda afraid of the cat too. Haha.
He's currently on dextrose right now. I hope all goes well. PLEASE PRAY FOR COCO.
murdered the disco ball by
Ishi Castro
ate a rainbow lollipop at
5:10 AM
peace signs (comments)