This entry is more for me rather than for your reading. I was just so excited to “document” my best week of college life ever, that it got so long.
It’s been a while since I last blogged, and to tell ya the truth, i made this entry offline. The dsl is effing up again! (as if it wasn’t enough that I didn’t go online for about a week or so.) Anyway, this past week has been officially my best week of college life ever! Why, you may ask?
First off, I got a new laptop! :D it aint a Mac(it’s a sony VGN-SZ230P,and even has a fingerprint security thing!), but still, I got a new one! (I’m actually using it right now. And, I think I need to get use to the freaking keyboard! The keys are kinda larger than the ones in regular notebooks. And most of the stuff that I need aren’t installed here yet. I still love my Compaq laptop though. it’s been with us for about 8 years, and has been “mine” for the past 4 years.
Moving along…
I swear, this has been the week where I laughed out real loud and became all crazy all over again! It was like high school all over again. With all the hellish longs tests and pesky last minute projects aside, this week has been definitely the bomb.
Here are my reasons:
Friday. December 14, 2007
- I was able to bond with Miranda, makis, and feliz at ateneo! We were originally supposed to watch the Under the Stars thing of LFC (loyala film circle), but we got bored and just hitchhiked back to Katipunan to pig out on pizza and sabotage the peacefulness of MyPlace’s cafeteria. We just couldn’t stop laughing! Hahaha. :P I missed laughing my head off! :D
- Had a heart-to-heart talk with makis at starbucks!(I even shed some tears. I was just frustrated with some things)
- I even saw jayjay of the bloomfields! :X
Saturday. Dec 15,2007
- partaaaaay in alabang! (just refer to my previous blog entry)

Sunday. Dec 16,2007
- attended the first simbang gabi.
Monday. Dec 17, 2007
- stayed in school for about 4 hours with makis just to attend the simbang gabi mass. While waiting, we headed for the lib and I just happened to browse some Fashion books (for jap class) and Makis and I couldn’t stop laughing! The clothes ranged from cool, edgy, cute, to pure hideous and plain ugly. :P hahahaha as in! (imagine this: shoes made from raw meat)
- pigged out at Kenny Roger’s!

Tuesday. Dec 18,2007
- made it through lab! Phew!
- Freecut for Fil12.
- Had some block bonding time during our 5-hour break! Woohoo!
- Observed the behaviour of guys while playing internet war games. (for my English argumentative paper. My stand: Although internet gaming may seem like a promising feat for technology, it should be banned because it causes psychological problems/anxieties). I even asked my guy blockmates Scott, Oliver, and Pete to play Counterstrike and Warcraft just so I could “observe”. Haha! You should have been there! I was the only girl in the shop and the guys just kept on cursing and shouting as if they were really in a live war. :P
Guy1: putang ina!!! Panoorin mo akong patayin ka!!! Yaaa! Hahahaha! Wooohooo! Supot ka pare!!
Guy2: ano?! Hindi! Hindi! Gago ka!!! Ito! Ito! Lalaban parin akoooo!!! Yaaa!
- Commuted to UP for the first time! My goodness! It was such an adventure! I was with Makis, and we all know that she aint exactly the best when it comes to directions! It was sooo funny and scary at the same time! We just relied on drivers for directions! Hahaha! And by the time we arrived at the FA building (at around 630 pm), it was so darn dark! It was so scary because i wasn’t familiar with the UP in the first place, and i was with someone who was partially dependent on my direction skills (ehem! Ehem! Haha!), UP is HUGE!, ANDDDDD the path that the jeep was taking looked more like a dirt road than a street to me! It was a good thing that Miranda decided to stand outside of the building so it was easier for us to know where to get off. :)
- We helped Miranda make her saring manok lantern. At first, it really looked more like a blimp or a fish, but towards the end, two fairy godmothers(ehem!) transformed it into a purty saring manok! Hahaha! We named it Philip right after! Hahaha! If it weren’t for us, Miranda would have stayed there for the night! (yes, we’re really proud of our lantern. :P) I missed doing those kind of things. Ya know, making crafty stuff for school and staying late at school with friends just to finish the project. In the process, you get super bangag, tired, and high from inhaling the fumes of the materials. HAHA. I missed acrylic emulsion. :P i also loved the “shop” where we worked! It’s like this garage-like building where artworks are stored and made. It’s pretty messy inside and looks like a construction site. When i grow up, i wanna have one of those. :) it was pretty fun swimming through a pile of materials when you’re looking for the scissors or something. Haha. And! I tripped on some paint/acrylic emulsion/glue for like, three times! Hahaha! My toes were just so stiff and sticky! Hahaha! Oh well, i missed “that” messy feeling anyway. :)
Miranda: ikaw na lang maglagay ng acrylic emulsion sa lahat.
Ishi: ok. Namiss ko to. Haha. (paints half of the chicken)
Gusto mo itry?
Miranda: okay. (paints the neck. And then...rrrrrrrrrrrip.)
AHHHH! Ang laki ng butas! Kamay mo na lang gamitin natin!
Ishi: okay. Dahan-dahan lang kasi. (paints a part then....rrrrip!)HAHAHAHA
(we were all tipsy at that time)
Miranda: lagyan natin ng mga streamers sa baba ni Philip.
Ishi: o sige, lahat ng colors?
Miranda: o cge. (cuts a strips of jap paper one by one)
Ishi: err,miranda, bakit hindi mo na lang itupi tapos gupitin natin?
Miranda: oo nga no. di ko naisip yun a!
HAHAHA. I guess Miranda was all tipsy from all the acrylic emulsion.

We finished Philip right on time! Yay! Makis and i commuted back to ateneo to catch the Simbang gabi. :P commuting was such an achievement! Wooohoo!
We made it back alive!
Wednesday.Dec 19, 2007
- English and Lit was a freecut! We also had a Secret Santa Exchange gift thing during english time but Dennis didn’t arrive soooooo my blockmates and I ate my gift! Ferrero gardennnnn! :D
- Commuted to UP with blockmates.
- Watched the UP lantern parade! (the lanterns/floats were just so amazing)
Here are some:

sakay na!

my fave float! the "fingers" actually move to the music. (pati ung drumsticks)
- For about 20 minutes, i felt so lost in UP that i wanted to cry! I said bye to my blockmates and decided to join Makis and Miranda at the parade. I walked and tried looking for them for about 20 minutes! And i thought i was never going to find them! i thought of the worst cases that could happen (that if i couldn’t find them, i’d have to walk back to the sakayan (which is another 20 minute walk) and commute back to ateneo alone and attend the mass alone, or that i’d run out of load or realize that my phone ran out of batt and then i couldn’t call dad to pick me up if something bad would happen to me.) it was traumatizing! I didn’t know anyone! And UP is just so HUGE! And it was so darrrrk! I could just fall into somewhere and nobody would hear me scream or whatever. Oh well, I did find them and was able to carry Philip! Hahaha! It was so darn heavy! Bilib ako kay Miranda kung paano niya nabuhat iyon habang tumatakbo at nagparada ng 2 oras. AJ, makis, and I took turns carrying Philip. It was fun being part of the parade. :)
Girl1: ay!!! Tingan mo! (points at Philip) ang cute ng turtle!!!!
Okay na sana e. kaso hindi e. hindi naman turtle si Philip. Saring manok si Philip okay? Manok. Hindi blimp. At hindi rin isda. Manok!
We trekked back to the FA building and waited for the guard to open Miranda’s classroom. We also happened to pass by the Comfort room.....
Now i know why Miranda was close to tears when she used our bathroom in ateneo.
Miranda: (comes out of the cubicle) naiiyak ako. Ang linis!!!!
Ishi: uhhh...bakit sa UP ba madumi?
Miranda: soooobra! Dati nga may ahas pa sa banyo e.
Miranda: lipat kang UP!!!!
Ishi: ayoko. Mamimiss ko CR dito sa Ateneo.
Sabihin na lang natin hindi kaaya-aya ang amoy sa banyo nila. You could smell it a mile away. HAHAHA
After some sighs, Miranda brought us back to Ateneo.
But during our trip, we were so bangag! We even made a song about how bad our feet hurt and how the parade was so tiring! Hahaha. I bet AJ was just weirded out!
Miranda: kukunin kong language, French.
Ishi: jap na lang! para tulungan na lang kita! Watashitachi wa kawaii! (we are cute!)
Miranda: may alam naman akong jap e. Nanny? (what?)
Ishi: nyek. Chukaremashitane. (i’m tired.)
Miranda: nanny? Nanny? Nanny?
Ishi: shakes miranda’s head...(miranda still chanting “nanny?!”)
(okaaay. That was enough UP adventure for one week!)
Dad told me that he saw me on TV!!! Wooohoo! Hahaha :P
- Pigged out at Reyes barbeque!
Thursday. Dec 20 2007.
- Gateway with Makis and Josel!!!
- Sang our hearts out in Karaoke! Hahaha people from outside were giving us weirded out stares, but we didn’t care! (we sang: wannabe, beep, hey ya, i’m a barbie girl, chiksilog, goodbye to you, etc.) i’ll post the vids! HAHA.
- Timezone mania baybeh!
- Simbang gabi with josel and makis! Wiii!

Friday. Dec 21,2007
- Block party at Bel 301. Had some games and an exchange gift thingy. (we were to form a circle and pass the gifts according to the directions that the story “says”. Panay left and right kasi ung story e. ) our theme for the gifts: something fun, impractical, and wild. Most of the gifts were prank items (tae, extended hand, electrocuting pen, jumping spiders, etc. ) oliver’s gift was the most impractical ever. He took a sepia picture of himself and framed it! HAHAHA
- We had a KFC picnic at the Bellarmine field! Yup! Under the stars and the xmas lights! Yeah! So romantic, right! (NOT!) after an hour of eating, the boys started the water fight! Hahaha! They filled up ice bags (the big ones) and cornered mam Libby. Hahahaha!
- Then.........water fight na!!!! we had about 200 bags of water so we were really drenched!!!! Parang hinulog ako sa pool! At masakit kapag hindi pumutok iyong water bag sa iyo. HAHAHA. It was soo much fun!!! Oliver even used Soda when there weren’t any water bags left. :| ewwww, it was so sticky! Hahaha. We all “took a bath” after in bellarmine! Hahaha. Ung gripo sa tabi ng bellarmine? Ayun, dun kami naligo.
- For some stupid reason, i didn’t bring any shorts...soooo i felt so icky because i had to wear my soda-drenched pants. We even used the men’s CR because the women’s CR didn’t have a hand dryer for some weird reason! The smell inside was icky too. Oliver also swung the door open and saw some things. Good thing i had my shirt on!!!! Hahaha poor them.

i love kaye :D

before: dry & warm (before the water fight)

drying our clothes in the men's bathroom

lesson learned: always bring an extra pair of shorts when you know there's gonna be a water fight
Saturday. Dec 22,2007 - Went to the folded and hung outlet store!!! Gosh! It was so tiring! It was also frsutrating because most of the sizes were XS, S, nad XL! And the Small would’t fit!!! Arrrgh! It was such a waste! I did manage to get some shorts and bag though. But going there wasn’t worth it as i expected! It’s not the same as in the US. in the US, you really can’t feel that what you’re buying are reject items because they’re still nice! You also don’t have to swim through the piles to get a decent find!
- Watched a Sibol play! ZOMG! Balik ugaling high school talaga! I’m in love with totoy high school boys again! HAHA. I love Sibol the best. :D Tanghalang Ateneo, BlueRep, and Entablado are just a bit too serious for me. Sibol really has the best combination for me. there were a lot of dances, songs, a bit of jokes, punches of passion, and a whole lot of eye candy to boot! Hahaha! I think i’m on my way in becoming a pedophile! Hahaha. Really! It was like a stroll down memory lane! I felt like I was a mom! Sabi ko “grabe, ang laki na nila! Dati, ang liit lang nila.” Aww the memories! (stalking days!) HAHAHA. Renz was pretty surprised how i knew most of the sibolistas’ names and year levels! HAHAHA. :P it was fun watching again! Never will i ever outgrow Sibol. <3

that was my best week ever. i hope you had a great one as well! Merry Christmas!