Sunday, January 25, 2009

let your light shine

I know I'm regressing back to 2 years ago, but I just can't help it. It was too precious to just forget. Or not even try to reminisce about.

I watched a couple of hs video clips, and I was laughing my ass off. But after that 5 minute stomach exercise, I felt really really sad. Knowing that things won't ever be whatever it used to.

Nevertheless, I am proud of myself for finally recognizing the more serious side of me. The more mature one. I think.

I've toned down already (even if it's so hard to believe) and I think I see things more clearly now.

But I guess there's SOME truth to the saying that "Ignorance/innocence is bliss." But I guess all those raging hormones and fart-inducing laughtrips were just part of adolescence. Happy times. Times that I can never rewind.

No matter how much we have reunions, reality will always tell us to grow up. Leave. Tone down. Cover your mouth when you laugh. Try not to rotate 360 degrees when you laugh out loud. Comb your hair. Be civilized.

We are better off now. We're only a few steps from the real life, right? It's just about time.

Even if we all long for what's in the past, the past will always be the past. No matter how much we wish we could all forget about everything and be high school lesbos again, time won't budge.

I'll forever love you guys.

And it is time. High time we get some seriousness and a bit of loneliness in our blood. In little amounts, it'll work wonders. :)

Till next time, :)

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