Wednesday, November 19, 2008

it's not yet over

Klein Sexual Orientation Grid

I scored an average of 1.95

01 2 3 4 5



This result can also be related to the Kinsey Scale:

0 = exclusively heterosexual
1 = predominantly heterosexual, incidentally homosexual
2 = predominantly heterosexual, but more
than incidentally homosexual
3 = equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 = predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally
5 = predominantly homosexual, incidentally heterosexual
6 = exclusively homosexual


The idea of this excercise is to understand exactly how dynamic a person's sexual orientation can be, as well as how fluid it can be over a person's lifespan. While a person's number of actual homo/heterosexual encounters may be easy to categorize, their actual orientation may be completely different. Simple labels like "homosexual", "heterosexual", and "bisexual" need not be the only three options available to us.

Take the quiz

So I also got curious because of Miranda. Haha. I guess the results are true in one way or another. Sometimes I just can't stand guys - they're such pigs and jerks. They're also wayyyy dense. On the the other hand, being completely homo seems out of the questions. There's still a strong part in me that squirms whenever I hear about butch stories. It feels like if I'm the lesbian it's okay. But when I see other "serious" lesbians, something in me points something wrong. Sometimes I think that I'm better off with a girl - they understand me wayyy better and I love the fact that I can be so crazy with them. It's so much fun. Butttt I don't know. There's something about guys that makes me feel attracted. Is it their bagong ligo smell? Nah. I like girly with musky tones better. Not the other way around.

To tell you the truth, I prefer going to an all-girls school over co-ed. But I want the girls to act crazy to compensate for the absence of guys. ( But I don't mean that I want lesbian relationships ha.) Haha. Okay, I am not making sense haha. No, I mean I like the girls to be game for anything and barubal. In short, I just love the high school atmosphere. Boys can get so boring. Their hirits are too gentle. Haha. Okay, I am sabaw. I guess you figured that by now already. :P

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